Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ship Breaker, pgs 68-94

The storm lasts for two days and once it ends Nailer and Pima head back to the beach to find Nailer's dad and Pima's mother. When they arrive they find that the beach is the cleanest that it has ever been since the storm cleared out everything. They also quickly are able to find their family members. Because of the storm the companies that ran the ship breaking left so the workers were left to scavenge for supplies by themselves. Pima and Nailer decided to go farther away and scavenge for food where there were no other people.

As they go farther to an island they are able to find some fish but a recked clipper ship catches their eye. Clipper ships are what replaced the old oil tankers and are extremely lavished and high tech. They quickly realize that they could find some very valuable stuff on the newly recked ship and could become rich. As they search the ship they find many dead people and even some half-men (genetically enhanced creatures who are super strong). Nailer and Pima rummaged through the ship and stumble into a room full of silver. They could be set for life with all the silver on the ship but they need to find a way to keep it all for themselves.

Nailer decided to go search farther in the ship and came to a room that belonged to a young girl. He finds the owner to the room in a second room. He looks at the mangled body on the ground and realizes she is fairly pretty. When Pima arrives she notices that she is wearing gold jewelry. They struggled to get the gold rings off her fingers so Pima decides that they should cut her fingers off to get the rings but as soon as Nailer starts to cut her finger the girl BLINKS.

This book is starting to get me extremely interested and I am curious to see what happens next. Considering that Nailer thought that she was pretty I believe that he will become attached to her in someway. I also think that he will struggle to hide the clipper ship from other people in the town since many people would want to get a piece of the fortune that it could provide.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog breez. I enjoy your reading logs--Ship Breaker and Mockingjay are books I've been wanting to get to, too. Have to read Catching Fire first, I suppose.

    Nice gross story about the skeleton, too. Dang.

    And I had forgotten you were a Boiler fan. Tough year for you all so far, but Painter still has them playing pretty well.

    I'd love to see just a little more of that personal side here, just to add some variety and personality.
