Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ship Breaker, pgs 296-326 (end of the book)

The crew of the Dauntless reached the Pole Star and started to board the ship ready to battle. Captain Candless (captain of the Dauntless) was able to throw the other captain over the side of the ship. Suddenly, half-men came from under deck and started to shooting. Captain Candless was shot and hit feel bloody to the ground. Nailer quickly headed under deck to start to search for Nita. He ran all over and had no success in finding her. Out of no where Nailer's dad shows up carrying Nita who was bounded up.

Nailer's dad dropped Nita and started to try and kill his son with a machete. Nailer only had a small knife so his only option was to to run away from his father. As he ran through the ship the storm was beginning to sink the wrecked ship. Eventually they ended up in a mechanical room that was similar to the one on the Dauntless where Nailer had worked. Nailer began to climb on the gears hoping that his father would not be able to follow him. He was wrong and when his father was about to reach him he saw a level that he knew would start up the gears so he pulled it and then fell to the floor. When Nailer looked up he saw his father caught in the gears bleedy and close to dieing. He asked for help but Nailer ignored him and went to get Nita.

The ship was completly upside down now and Nita and Nailer needed to find a way out of the ship. Luckly they found an opening that led out of the ship. They then began to swim towards the Dauntless which was anchored in the bay. Once they arrived to the ship they were pulled up and Nailer was rejoined with Sadna and Pima. Later, the Dauntless began loading with supplies to head back north and return Nita back to her father. The book then ended with Pima joking with Nailer in whether he would be lucky enough to end up with such a pretty girl as Nita.

I really enjoyed reading this book. It was fairly unexpected throughout but I could tell that Nailer would eventually have to face or kill his father. The book also had pretty good message that anybody could be your family and they did not have to be related with blood. Sadna and Pima were more family to Nailer than his own dad. All in all, it is a quick read book that I think anyone would enjoy reading.

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