Monday, February 14, 2011

Ship Breaker, pgs 189-216

As Nailer, Tool, and Nita ride on the train to Orleans they realize how unprepared that they were. They had to spend the long ride without any food and almost no water. They eventually enter into the many cities of Orleans which includes Orleans II, Orleans III, and New Orleans. They are considered the drowned cities because of all the hurricanes that have destroyed most of the cities. When the train begins to slow down to a stop the three jump off and start to walk towards the docks. Nita hopes that she will be able to find a clipper ship there that belongs to her father.

To get to the docking ships they have to walk waste deep in water, which Nita does not agree with. When they finally reach to docking area they find that none of the ships belong to Nita's father. As a group they are not too disappointed and head back to town to find food and water. They spend the rest of their money that night and in the morning they will need to find work to pay for food. Hopefully a clipper ship will eventually arrive for Nita.

In my opinion, Paolo Bacigalupi, the author, criticizes the current ways of humans. In the book it is described that people did not learn from the past and move away from New Orleans when the storms repeatedly destroyed the city. I am interested to find out whether Nita will ever return to her family but i think that it will take quite a bit of time to find them. In the meantime they will live in the city and try to make some money.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. I'm trying not to read the reading logs too closely because I want to read that book.

    I like your Walton Ford response, too. Great line: "In the distance, giddy animals search the meek remains of human existence for food." The finishing lines are good, too.

    Keep up the great work.
