Monday, February 14, 2011

Close win!

The highly anticipated intramural basketball went down earlier today between my team and someone else's team in my etymology class. I was quite suprised that it was an extremely low scoring game and at halftime we were deadlocked at 14 to 14.  Luckily one of my teammates caught fire in the second half and pulled us a head and we did not lose the lead after that. The game was close all the way to the end as nobody on either team was able to score but when the buzzer sounded my team had won 30 to 25!


  1. Nice win bricks... their top scorer would like to have that game back, but he gives you guys credit. Good hustle throughout the game, and great competition between the two teams.

  2. Disappointingly lose scoring game. Did they learn how to play defense after the 90 some point loses or did both teams just not make any shots.
