Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ship Breaker, pgs 156-189

Nita reveals to Nailer that she lied and people will not know where she is. She is apart of a rich family but people in her father's business have become enemies and they wanted to use Nita as leverage against her father. Nita was fleeing from these people and entered into the storm to escape from them. Nita's crew also threw the GPS locating system overboard. Pima and Nailer realize that she would be worthless if the other people found out and they would most likely kill her.

Nailer is the only one of the three not in shackles and while their guards are sleeping Nailer tries to kill the one with the key to the shackles so they could escape. As he was trying to cut Blue Eye's (one of the guards)neck, Blue Eyes woke up and began to fight Nailer. The guard was about to kill Nailer when out of nowhere Sadna tackled Blue Eyes and eventually Nailer was able to stab the guard in the neck and she fell to her death. With other people that came with Sadna and help from Tool, one of the guards who is friends with Sadna so he helped Nailer, Pima and Nita instead, they were able to defeat the rest of the guards.

Soon after this they see clipper ships along the beach and Nita realizes it is the people who were chasing her. Their only options now were to either to sell Nita to the people that want her or to try and escape with Nita. Nailer decides he doesn't want to sell Nita and rather he wanted to help her escape to her family in Orleans. The only other person that wants to try and escape with them is Tool who would be able to help with protection

They decide to jump on a moving train and ride it to Orleans. Nita surprises them by being able to jump on the moving fast moving train first with ease. Tool also had no difficulty but Nailer was another story. As he was running he fell and scrapped up his knees. He got up quick and finally on the last train he was able to grab on to a ladder and make his way on the train.

It is pretty easy to understand why Nailer would not take the opportunity to become rich by selling Nita to her enemies. He absolutely hates the life he is living and wants to escape and he realizes that this could be his only chance to get out. Also he would have to face his father who was in charge when it came to the scavenging of the crashed clipper and making money off of Nita. Nailer, Nita, and Tool are on the fast track to Orleans where they can hopefully find Nita's family and make money by giving her back to her family. I am no completely confident that they will find her family though. I feel this way because so far everything that Nita has said has only been half true.

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