Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Earlier Readings

Throughout this quarter I was able to read consistently for the first time in my life. I would usually just read here and there but now it is different. I almost finished three books this quarter and I enjoyed all of them. I have read 1083 pages this semester. It was great to see how the Hunger Games series finished with Mockingjay. I heard that a movie is suppose to be made based on the books and I will probably go see that. Suzanne Collins has become an author that I enjoy. I have noticed that I enjoy the books that have young people going through some type of struggle. Katniss is trying to start a revolution, Nailer is trying to escape the hardships of his home life, and John has to try and live a normal life even though he is different. I have almost finished my third book and it is starting to become very interesting. After I finish this book I will most likely start to read Hole In My Life because it sounds like a cool book and I have been trying to get the book for a while.

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