Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Am Number Four, pgs 40-74

John is relieved that Henri has come to help him. John's hands are glowing and when Henri sees this he becomes happy. He knows that John is beginning to get his first Legacy. Legacies are the powers that Garde from Lorien eventually develop. Luckily Henri has gardening gloves on him and John puts them on to disguise the glowing of his hands. John is in great pain so it is difficult for him to make it to Henri's car and they use the excuse that John is having an asthma attack to hide what is actually happening. Before John's hands began to glow he left his book bag in class so Henri had to go get it. The two then head home and John becomes excited because he realizes that he will be allowed to open the Chest. The Chest has always been a valuable possession of theirs but John was not allowed or even able to open it until his Legacies began to develop.

The first thing that John notices when he gets home is that his phone is missing. Immediately he knew that Mark James had taken his phone. Mark James is the star football player and used to date Sarah Hart who John had began to like already. Mark had already picked on John during the first day of him being at school. After Henri takes a nap, he begins to explain to John the Legacy that he is beginning to develop. The Legacy is called Lumen. Henri takes a lighter and puts it on John's hand to show that he does not feel anything. As of now only his hands are resistant to fire and heat but eventually through training his whole body will be. Also he will be able to control when his hands light up.

The next morning John goes to school and decides to confront Mark about where his phone is. John tells him that he has until the end of the day to give the phone back. In class a kid named Sam Goode sits with John and it obvious that he is fond of aliens and NASA because he wears a NASA shirt and draws aliens in his note book. During lunch the two sit with each other and as they are eating a meatball flies through the air and hits Sam. Another hits John. The food came from Mark's table and in anger John goes to confront them. The argument is quickly diminished by a lunch attendant and they are sent to the principle's office. The principle does not seem to care about the situation and actual seems to side with Mark since he is the star football player and the newspaper wants to interview him later in the week.

In Home Ec John gets lucky and his cooking partner happens to be Sarah Hart. He described her as the most beautiful girl. They talk about the situation with Mark and she is sorry for how Mark has been acting towards John. After school Sarah comes to John's locker and hands his phone to him. He is shocked that she took it from Mark and is thankful for it. Walking out of the building John gloats to Mark that he has gotten his phone back and Mark is stunned.

I am still enjoying the book and I am interested to see how the plot will develop further into a more dramatic story. Hopefully it involves some sort of fighting. I have found myself hoping that there will time during my classes so that I can read this book. It is still early but I can tell that I am going to like it until the end.

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