Monday, May 2, 2011

hole in my life, pgs 170-200 (end of the book)

Finally finished the end of the book! Jack is about to go to the parole board where he will find out how long he will have to stay in prison. He spends days working on his facial expressions so he could win sympathy support from the board. Unfortunately he failed to make a good first impression with the board considering the seriousness of Jack's crime. A few weeks later Jack received a letter telling him that he has a 2 year sentence. He was heartbroken. In prison Jack become more intense with writing. The main reason was because there were no distractions to take him away from writing such as going to the bar. Jack was desperate to get out of prison and he thought of a great way that would allow him to get out early. He decided that he would apply for college and hopefully that would convince the parole board that he was ready to leave the prison. Jack applied to a small college in New York and he was accepted. Soon after the parole board decided that he would be allowed to leave with special conditions. When Jack was leaving the prison he lost one of his most important writings of his life. The book in which he wrote all of his thoughts and journals was apart of the prison library and he was not allowed to keep it. Jack needed to have a place to live and a job. With the help from his father Jack found a women to stay with in little Italy where he would have to rent. Jack also got a holiday job of selling and delivering Christmas trees to people. Eventually he started college and got a job as a security guard for the college. As Jack's writings began to develop, he found that his childhood was full of things to write about he wrote some children's books. Now in the real world Jack is enjoying what he has always wanted to do. Writing.

I loved reading this story mostly because it is a true story. It is great to know what this man had to go through in his life but still came out to be a successful human being. He stuck to what he wanted to do eventually in life and it turned out well for him. To me it seems that he would not have been a such a great writer if it was not for him going to prison. I say this because prison allowed him to actually realize that he had stuff to write about and it was good. This story is fairly short but shows that people make mistakes and can turn out to be good.

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