Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Break Story!!!

For this spring break my family went to New Smyrna Beach, Florida for the fourth year in a row. This beach happens to gave the highest shark bite incidents in all of the United States.  It started with two other families and has grown to six families all together. This year my friend's family decided they would invite their cousins family to come this year. One of the boys of this family, Adam, is 16 years old. While I was relaxing on the beach, Adam, Luke and Nick went into the ocean to swim. The three of them came back towards us minutes later but for some reason Adam was limping a little and Luke yelled out, "Adam was bit by a shark!" Adam with a squinted face walked past us and I saw the bottom of his foot was covered in blood. We then followed Adam off the beach and up on to the deck of the condo where we stayed. My dad, a doctor, then took a hose to clean off the wound that he had. Adam, not liking the pain, had to bit on a towel. The wound was one small puncture wound that bleed really well and a few scratches that had no bleeding at all. Luckily it was not bad enough that he had to go to the hospital and he was able to stop the bleeding and put a band-aid on it. The reason we believe it is a shark bit is because Luke and Nick said that they saw a fish (maybe two feet) swim away after Adam began to jump up and down. This provided some humor to our trip since Adam did not get hurt too bad and it makes for a great story.

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