Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Am Number Four, pgs 392-440 (end of the book)

There was a lot of fighting at the end of this book. Many times John was close to dieing but some how he would be saved and stay alive. Unfortunately Henri dies during the fighting. John is able to defeat the Mogadorians because he realized he could communicate with animals. The Mogadorians had a 30 foot monster and John was able to convince the monster to stop attacking him and to attack the Mogadorians. After this a scout is about to kill John when suddenly Sarah stabs the Mogadorian in the back and saves John.

John later wakes up in a hotel where he is recovering from all of his injuries. He also finds all of his things packed up because he knows that he will have to leave the city and find a new a place to hide. John and Sarah are heartbroken that they have to leave each other. Sam and Number Six are also going to leave with John to find a new place to hide. They all three leave after they cremate Henri.

Sadly I did not like the end of this book because the fighting to me seemed to drag out way too much. I lost interest in the fighting and found myself not understanding what was happening. I liked how it set up for a new book at the end but the fighting could have been much more interesting. I would probably read the next book if there is one or is going to be one.

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